Monday, August 31, 2009

TabNavigator in Firefox

Looking for a visual way to quickly navigate between tabs in Firefox? Style TabNavigator with Windows Alt + Tab for Firefox.

After the default installation allows TabNavigator Alt + Alt + R and W for forward and backward through its tabbed browsing. You can change the navigation keys for Ctrl, Alt or Shift + another key.

The first preview is only the favicons of sites on the text of the title bar at the bottom of a gray box. You can increase the size of icons or switch between the icon to display a complete image. Instead of favicons to see a thumbnail of the actual page. The default size is 500px preview, which is not bad for a preview size, but often among the chips that are very similar, you may want to increase the size of the preview for clarity.

TabNavigator is free and works wherever Firefox does.

Nathaniel taylor Computer Technology View

Sunday, August 30, 2009


A commercial PerfectDisk two entries this week's Hive Five. One of the most important claims to fame PerfectDisk is what they call "the restoration of space technology. In addition to optimizing their albums during defragmentation real hard PerfectDisk writing instructors to ensure that future cases are written in the most effective way possible to reduce the risk of fragmentation. PerfectDisk also use data analysis and optimization of the model fits your style and use of work files. Can be programmed or made to run when the computer is idle for continuous defragmentation.

Nathaniel taylor Computer Technology View

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Microsoft launched Cashback

Microsoft has launched Cashback on your old search engine, Live Search, in May 2008 when we move called "desperate and brilliant" for trading revenues search market. It turned out that Cashback can not do much to improve market share last year, Live Search, but results in a significant increase in advertising revenue. Now that Bing is at full steam, CashBack May to run in the Pilot Microsoft originally planned traffic.

To foster more interest in Cashback, Microsoft has launched a promotion called Limited 10 August Double Cashback, which Microsoft could match the level of discounts offered by retailers (for example, if Nike is typically offered a discount of $ 10 discount, promotion would give $ 20). Special proved too successful - that drives sales in liquidation Microsoft ended three days earlier, after the distribution of the maximum amount of money Bing had allocated for the promotion.

Nathaniel taylor Computer Technology View